Amal Academy, A Reflection of the fellowship journey!

Bilal Ahmed Rogi
3 min readJun 4, 2021


It was about two and a half months ago when I received a confirmation email for the fellowship from Amal Academy. In my admission interview, I have been asked why I want to appear for this fellowship program, as by the books, I am an experienced person. I answered the panel that it would be a win-win for me and my fellow fellows. I would get a chance to converse with the young guns, and maybe they can take something from my exposure. Luckily, I was selected, and believe you in me, these were the most thoughtful days of my life. I never pondered whether I needed a mentor or something. It was me who was curious about mentoring undergraduates. But inculcating in the program made me realize there is no particular age bracket for learning.

Emblem of Amal Academy (Website of Amal)

I am still considering the fact that the last 70 to 80 days were a roller coaster ride for me as I immersed myself into various kinds of activities and project works that somehow sharpens my rusted brain. Amongst numerous live sessions, group discussions, and offline tasks, I seriously think a one-on-one session with Sir Anis marked a dent in my processing methodology. The session originally was scheduled for 15 mins only but ended up almost after 45 mins. The best part was most of the time, I was listening quietly and was trying to understand Sir Anis’s talks. That conversation created a profound effect on me as I am still in the process of transformation. The talk was a gift for me from him. It was a road map for me regarding my prospects. I was struggling with what is the future for me if I want to do the same job or start some entrepreneurship or do some freelancing. The answer was a big question mark and Sir hit me with the same queries. I replied I am confused. He then came up with a plan and suggested starting with positivity. Let the energy come in. Firstly, thankful to Allah SWT, you have a job and a good living standard. Now make a roadmap, start thinking about what you need to do and then embark on the journey to achieve it. Researching for the goals and meeting up with the people already in the area where you want to go is the most important perimeter to gauge first and then work on it vigorously.

Picture Courtesy: Amal Academy

I am amazed by the positive attitude and the liveliness which he possessed throughout the session. He gave me some key points which I need to work on and gradually, I will be improving and should be on a path to success. I started believing in myself which probably, I was losing before the session and the encounter worked as a great tool for me. I am now focused on the fact that I need to earn a degree in Business Administration if I want to excel professionally and that is final.

Amal Principle of Khudi

Looking back for three months, I feel sad for myself because I thought my current job is the only thing left for me. And according to Sir Anis, even the sky is not the limit. This world is for me and I can do whatever I think. There is no limitation to the human mind and since engineering is a versatile field, I can roam anywhere with freedom. I am grateful to the entire team of Amal Academy. You, people, are doing an excellent job, and my facilitators Mr. Anis Panjwani, Miss Aalia Aslam, and last but not least my fellow fellows. You people are giving me memories worth remembering with loads and loads of learning. Thank-you Amal!



Bilal Ahmed Rogi

A wayfarer who loves to penned down articles, proses, stories, and anecdotes on diversified genres. A promoter of peace and a human by heart!